
InfoPond App Objectives:

  • Foster and stimulate public awareness and knowledge of Australian culture, live music, heritage, cultural tourism & events.
  • Engage the public in their preferred language.
  • Ensure the visually or audibly impaired can benefit from InfoPond services.
  • Provide services at no cost to the public for personal use.
  • Enable organisations and specialists, recognised as authorities in the subject of their field, to publish their “Class-1” cultural contributions for public use. Maintain integrity of Class-1 content to secure it as a qualified, quotable resource.
  • Identify to the public “Class-1” content from content of unqualified authority.
  • Enable cultural event organisers and organisations to provide “App Presence” free of traditional creation fees.
  • Provide to the public a ubiquitous, national-wide, multilingual, cultural service accessible through one application.

To Achieve These Objectives

  • Provide the culturally orientated InfoPond application for Android and Apple cell-phones to the public.
  • InfoPond is served content from its multilingual, cloud-based information silo, InfoCloud.
  • Use of InfoPond and InfoCloud is provided at no charge to the public for personal use.
  • InfoCloud also acts as a gateway to info silos of third-party cultural information providers.
  • InfoPond’s access to multiple information silos via InfoCloud is seamless and transparent to users.
  • InfoCloud empowers qualified third-parties and team members to upload Class-1 content.
  • InfoPond can auto-determine user location, whether user is outdoors or inside a participating venue.
  • User’s outdoor location & proximity to cultural objects, regions & select tourism opportunities is displayed to user on a map.
  • Based upon user location, or search request, InfoPond can retrieve and display information relevant to user’s location and— optionally—audibly read content out loud to the user.
  • InfoPond audible and text services are multilingual and performed in the supported language selected by the user.
  • InfoPond visually identifies content contributed by an authority in the subject of their contribution as “Class-1” content.
  • Class-1 content can only be altered by the provider of that content—modification by the public is not possible.
  • Class-1 content is auto-translated and available in twelve or more languages.
  • Class-1 content is not “framed” with advertisements sourced from external, general purpose advertisement feeds.
  • InfoCloud and InfoPond services scale from city-wide to nation-wide, capable of serving thousands of concurrent users.

Benefits: One App – Multiple Info Sources – National Coverage – Multiple Languages = Larger Audience

  • InfoPond can drive users to cultural, heritage and select tourism opportunities via use of “clean” maps depicting user’s proximity to these things. General map services dilute cultural opportunities with a plethora of miscellaneous content.
  • By aggregating information silos of various cultural services, content is presented in an organised manner to a larger, broader and unified audience.
  • Aggregated information can “cross-pollinate” user exposure to lateral cultural opportunities.
  • A single application providing nation-wide cultural services can increase uptake through spontaneity and convenience—there is no need for users to download a separate application for every attended venue, topic, region or tour.
  • Class-1 information is secured from public modification and thus suited to academic pursuits. This contrasts to “map” and “pedia” services which allow public content provision and modification.
  • Provision of Class-1 content in a minimum of thirteen languages increases target user base, servicing a greater population.
  • User registration and login is not required—content is publicly, spontaneously and ubiquitously accessible.
  • InfoPond can be used inside participating cultural venues—users simply scan codes to auto identify and play/display content.

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